Hall was soundly defeated in the 1956 primary, which was particularly vitriolic in tone, but this helped Democrat George Docking win the Governorship in the 1956 election.
A few weeks after a particularly vitriolic attack on the establishment, he was dismissed from his post at the university, and later placed under house arrest.
Harris resigned from the paper the following year, having lost patience for publishing both "his iconoclastic views on race" and "what was expected of him" at a major southern newspaper during a particularly vitriolic period.
Her sister-in-law Dolly is particularly vitriolic and Archie takes an instant dislike to her.
His fight for Ogilvy & Mather, completed in 1989, was particularly vitriolic.
Arnulf made his first public mark in 1133 with the dissemination of a particularly vitriolic pamphlet directed against the antipope Anacletus II.
To a large extent it has been disparaged by academic critics; though Peter Kemp's comment is particularly vitriolic, it does give an idea of the novel's initial reception:
Sometimes, after a particularly vitriolic shock session, I stayed with him most of the night.
He was about to add something particularly vitriolic when Sue sweetly intervened and defused the situation.
The exchanges between Odin and Loki are particularly vitriolic.