Bornstellar's family are politically important Builders and particularly wealthy, enabling them to own an entire planet.
He said the people weren't particularly wealthy but they were comfortably situated and could give Janice an education.
At no point in my life have I ever been a particularly wealthy man, you know.
It is also a particularly wealthy area, with most residents owning large, free-standing houses.
Unlike several other conspirators Keyes was not a particularly wealthy man.
As it happens, many of these people were neither stars nor particularly wealthy.
They also often happen in developing countries that may not be particularly wealthy but are in the process of developing, like Russia.
He died May 18, 1863, not particularly wealthy.
One group is the large corporate taxpayer, and particularly wealthy individuals, who tend to have the most intricate returns.
This band was particularly wealthy in horses, tipis and other goods.