They were not particularly well-received.
The album was particularly well-received as it reviewed most of her career - throughout its 38 songs, there are 26 albums represented.
After a particularly well-received article on Rodin, he became a full-time art critic for the Daily Telegraph in 1897.
Particularly well-received were his statements stressing America's commitment to a democracy and the right of all Iraqis to choose their government.
The Rubik's Revolution, which is an electronic game that looked like the Cube, wasn't particularly well-received.
On one occasion, Adam and Vincent hug after a particularly well-received number, prompting a violent audience reaction.
Her victory in the latter race was particularly well-received, as it gave her popular jockey Gordon Richards his hundredth win of the season.
WSU was free, but it wasn't particularly well-received because it was so limited.
The film was not particularly well-received or successful at the box office.
AT a recent performance of a well-known playwright's not particularly well-received play, I scanned the faces of the crowd - and they looked mean.