Particularly worrisome are projections that the county's population of 18- to 34-year-olds will decline by 5 percent between 1996 and 2001.
Credit market analysts said the trend in recent days toward higher short-term interest rates was particularly worrisome.
Two clear patterns that emerged were particularly worrisome to the researchers.
Federal officials say the shortage is real and particularly worrisome because the flu season began early.
But authorities say the findings are particularly worrisome because they reflect problems common in public hospitals across the country.
He said the size of this year's shortfall was particularly worrisome.
It is particularly worrisome to those who are depending on the schools.
This makes some of the polling data particularly worrisome for the Republicans.
The revelation was particularly worrisome because government regulators knew about the problem two years ago but did little to expose it.
Experts say the trend is particularly worrisome because most mothers who go to prison are the only parent at home.