Call for Calm House Speaker Jim Wright, Democrat of Texas, tried to tone down the partisan clashes today in light of the stock market crash.
So far the election have proceeded without violence, but at least 30 people were killed in partisan clashes during the campaign.
Mr. Samp argued that the dispute was fundamentally a partisan clash.
From the Government shutdown of 1995 to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998, House Republicans have been locked in bitter partisan clashes with Mr. Clinton for years.
The fierce, partisan clash over setting a date was largely due to a miscalculation by the Chancellor, some political experts say.
The party-line vote of 22 to 18 came after another day of partisan clashes over how the nation should take advantage of its improving fiscal outlook.
That set off a two-hour partisan clash.
When presented at a hastily called hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday, the inspector general's findings set off a partisan clash.
In what could well be a preview of partisan clashes over Whitewater, Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee today issued reports drawing sharply different conclusions about last summer's hearings.
The state appears headed for a repeat of 1994 through 1997, when bitter, highly partisan clashes led to the four latest budgets in state history.