This is a heated contest, and partisan feelings are running high.
It is important for us to put partisan feelings aside and calmly think about who is the most competent candidate and to vote our conscience.
The discussions were heated and aroused partisan feelings throughout the entire Kingdom of Valencia.
If the early indications hold true, the Democrats will try to appeal to voters' partisan feelings by focusing on the mayor's Republican affiliation.
I could name a dozen clear cases of this, but I won't; strong partisan feelings are still involved in some of them after the centuries.
His hometown boosters were thus able to hear his exchange with the press and express their partisan feelings.
So high has partisan feeling run that the deans of my two schools will not speak to each other.
For example, in 1895, the sudden retirement of Arthur Peel came at a time when partisan feelings were running high.
Once partisan feelings became tense and hostilities began, Frederick Russell Burnham was drawn into the conflict in 1884.
During the war and for years afterwards, partisan feeling ran high.