This was as much a family trauma as a partisan fight.
If the votes are any indication, the dispute is more complicated than a mere partisan fight.
A result was a partisan fight that has embroiled both presidential campaigns.
He will bring more than three decades of serious scholarship on American poverty and dependency to what is expected to be a fiercely partisan fight.
Congress is deadlocked in a partisan fight over post-Enron changes.
The partisan fight over the issue may have political repercussions far larger than the tiny amount of money involved.
His actions today were just the latest salvo in what has been a bitterly partisan political fight over jobs.
One proposal that was rejected tonight seems likely to provoke a partisan fight when the measure reaches the House floor.
Behind the partisan fight are people scrambling to adjust.
Though the spending bill provided a forum for a partisan fight over Iraq, there were few objections to the measure itself.