The White House denounced the release as part of "a partisan process designed for partisan gain."
There is not a partisan gain in either party.
Many critics say the provision has often been misused for partisan political gain.
Every day, however, it becomes clear that the goal of Judge Starr's critics is not justice, but partisan gain.
Mr. Bush's instinct is to deal with the politics of these problems, not the substance, and to worry issues for partisan gain.
And officials of each party suggested today that their counterparts were capitalizing on the tragedy for partisan gain.
Yet the meeting here, of course, was all about Republicans celebrating their partisan gains.
And it would be unfortunate if people are seeking to politicize a serious matter like leaking classified information for partisan gain.
MPs on all sides were quick to think about partisan gain or loss in this, and slow to consider the constitutional ramifications.
"There was a concern that these sets of issues would be misconstrued on the Hill and used for partisan gains," said one person who attended.