Facts don't necessarily dictate a specific policy response, and there is plenty of ground to argue policy from a partisan perspective.
Their partisan perspective toward their state was probably appropriate when they were what they hadn't yet been told they were not anymore.
In 2001, he founded MyDD, a blog which covered politics with an openly Democratic partisan perspective, making him one of the first political bloggers.
They are seen in a partisan perspective, a perception that limits the extent of their popular appeal.
"It very much reflects the deeply partisan perspective on campaign finance reform," Ms. Miller said of the findings.
From a purely partisan Republican perspective, this would be ideal.
Fox surely injected a new partisan perspective into political coverage on television.
Despite the lawyer's partisan perspective, though, the film allows viewers to judge the material for themselves.
But if you look at the coming wave of seniors, they are not monolithic from a partisan perspective.
This training to be careful in analysis does not fit very well in an age where seemingly knowing, loud and partisan perspectives are elevated and celebrated.