Some observers say the Pope might comment on these matters, though not in any partisan political way.
"Never before has a serious treaty involving nuclear weapons been handled in such a reckless and ultimately partisan way," the President said.
But the court did not rule, as it should have, that the lines were unconstitutional because they had been drawn in such a partisan way.
If those new members vote in a purely partisan way, they - and the majority - will quickly be put at risk.
He will be taking on issues, not in a partisan way.
For example, participants who interpreted a candidate's debate performance in a neutral rather than partisan way were more likely to profit.
"If it's about the partisan way the Congress has handled this, I think we do better."
You should stress that your concern for human rights is not in any way politically partisan.
There can be no excuse for any government to apply the rule of law in a purely partisan way.
"We'll be politically engaged but not in a partisan way."