To partly answer this question, one system truly tests its newcomers: the seed industry.
The last standing bodies for the Knicks - just nine healthy remained dressed on the bench - at least partly answered the command given by Ewing last week.
Medicare officials said they had issued today's report to partly answer critics in Congress who say the Clinton Administration has not done enough to curb Medicare fraud.
The release partly answers that challenge.
The announcement by the board of the 1.5-million-member organization partly answered a question raised in the extensive debate after reports of the bishops' plan a month ago: Who would pay for it?
Honey was talking, and he was answering partly at random, when she suddenly laughed and got up.
Israel partly answered that first call with limited withdrawals, even as it conducted new incursions - and did not eliminate suicide bombing attempts.
He partly answered his own question by mentioning the loss of Jimmy Key, the Yankees' No. 1 pitcher, who last worked May 16.
These projects must involve at least three cultural operators in three different countries: this partly answers Mr Bernd Posselt's question.
The dust that he knew was rising from the road behind him partly answered that question.