Father and son seem to partly blame each other for the loss of property.
This vacuum can be partly blamed on the arts world itself.
The current food price increases can be blamed partly on the poor harvest.
Musicians partly blame the club owners, who they say have not increased the pay much in the last 20 years.
The computer scoring system, which had been free of controversy, was partly blamed.
His mother died in the winter of 1965, for which he partly blamed Keely.
He partly blames the poor economy, but says hostility to newcomers is also a cause.
This is partly blamed on applicants waiting longer for a property to become available in their 'first choice' housing area.
Ironically, it was the Government which he partly blamed for the affair that gave him the chance to return to work after retirement.
One stumbling block has been the choice of a site, and arts officials have partly blamed politics for the failure.