Some 75 percent of Phoenix students are at least partly reimbursed by their companies for tuition, which, at about $6,500 a year, is somewhat higher than public universities but lower than most private ones.
The next payment on that loan is due next April, and the state has partly reimbursed the towns for its share of the costs.
Though she had never been on welfare before, she was required to apply, because most family shelters, which are run by private, nonprofit agencies under contract to the city, are partly reimbursed through the residents' welfare grants.
Three out of four students have tuition at least partly reimbursed by their employers.
Aides to Mr. Quayle and Mr. Skinner said the Government had been partly reimbursed for the trips when they also involved political events, like fund raisers and endorsements, by the sponsors of those events.
ITT Cannon, for example, charges each student $2 a week - partly reimbursed if the student completes the course.
Many are partly reimbursed by medical insurance, but that's spotty: some policies have no mental health coverage; others pay only part of the fee, often with a $1,000 per year cutoff, and only for visits to psychiatrists or psychologists.
The zamindari families were partly reimbursed for their losses during the exchange of land ownership after a few battles in court.
The ride, whose expense is partly reimbursed by the lobbyists, gives the select crowd a few hours of extra special access.
Noting that ProMed staff members are partly reimbursed for their time, Dr. Shapiro said the group was highly dependent on online technology.