John Deane, and his partner William Edwards, recovered timbers, guns, longbows, and other items from the shipwreck.
His partner, Detective Louis R. Rango, subsequently recovered.
Worse yet, his partner recovered while I was talking.
According to the original contract with Shell, signed in 1994, the government would receive low royalties until the foreign partners recovered their capital costs.
Milstein's former partner, Dan Snyder, bought the team in July 1999 and recovered the $10 million deposit he made when he was with Milstein's group.
As part of the RAD program, partners recover ozone-depleting chemicals from old refrigerators, freezers, window air conditioners, and dehumidifiers.
CDC also helps these partners recover and restore public health functions after the initial response.
The partner recovers the Time Gears, and the team proceed on the Rainbow Stoneship, with the player keeping silent to the partner about his/her fate.
The $2 mtoorists paid at 12 toll lodges helped Vanderbilt and his partners recover their $10 million investment.
At that price, the two partners should rapidly recover their purchase costs, he said.