But the poll had some good news for men - only one in 10 girls said their partners spend too much time in the pub.
My two partners and I spent a lot of time and money building this our last year of college.
She estimated that to date she and her partners have spent about $750,000 developing the project.
The American partners have spent $116 million, he said, and their share of production is running at 8,000 barrels a day.
He and his partner spent about $220,000 on the mining and the loan schemes.
Both founding partners spent time in their early years under the tutelage of prominent architects.
My partners spend most of their time in Florida.
These international partners have already spent more than $1 billion over three years.
Mr. Affleck and his three partners have spent much of the $12 million investors gave them.
My partner and I spent a couple of days in the city, some years back.