This process involves partnering with car component manufacturers to create lighter, more aerodynamic parts that can then be used in future electric vehicles.
In the early 1980s, Oakland University partnered with developers to create a technology and research park.
Partnering with to create online services is as simple as these four steps.
Always a lyricist, she often partnered with musician Watt Watkins to create their music.
The Princeton Review partnered with Ubisoft to create the game.
In 2011, Google Chrome partnered with Movember to create a video.
Microsoft subsequently partnered with the Nine Network to create "ninemsn".
Melonas then partnered with an American business man to create a Consumer Packaged goods company to tackle the issue head on.
Several universities and DOE national laboratories are partnering to create the first implementation of this comprehensive platform.
In 2004 he partnered with Chicago company Solargenix Energy to create roof-integrated solar cooling and heating systems.