He raised enough for a 25% stake and partnered with a Texas bank to provide the rest.
Microsoft has been partnered with Facebook to provide search results since 2008.
It has partnered with Microsoft to provide photo manipulation software.
The company partnered with Fluid in 2009 to provide 3D and visual work.
The troops partnered with Afghan security forces to provide security and assist in training.
Scoutmob has partnered with Foursquare to provide deals to users.
The company had already partnered with Google to provide cloud solutions for six American universities a month earlier.
Lanwar has partnered with a number of companies over the past decade to provide sponsorship for the event and its attendees.
The two companies had first partnered to provide content in August of that year, and FindArticles.com soon resulted.
Telecom has partnered with Mexican company Telmex to provide internet access.