Those operational clusters include a combination of newspapers owned by the partnership and newspapers wholly owned by MediaNews.
That filing showed the partnership still owned 155,959 shares, or 10.9 percent of the company.
The proposed 500-megawatt plant, costing more than $100 million, would be built by Shelby Power I, a limited partnership owned by the Enron North America Corporation.
The Giant Spider Invasion is a low-budget 1975 film produced by Transcentury Pictures, a partnership owned by the film's director Bill Rebane.
This was a partnership owned by GTE and United Telecom.
The Boomer Project is a partnership owned by the three principals:
Sun Prairie and Bell Farms are private partnerships partly owned by Rich Bell, whose business is based is Wahpeton, N.D.
In 2002, CHIC was re-structured to form Celtic House Venture Partners, a limited partnership owned and managed independent of Matthews.
Following the death of Sanford Greenburger in 1971, the agency became a partnership owned by the affiliated agents.
The purchaser was Southampton, the partnership secretly owned by Mr. Fastow, Mr. Kopper and other Enron executives.