The partnership raised at least $1 million for the Frankel Fund, according to securities regulators.
In other words, a contractually constructed partnership of four adults to raise the children.
"This partnership raises a host of issues which he is going to have to work through."
Going further, the partnership raised $32.3 million in bond financing last year.
Separate accounts can also be pooled to form partnerships to raise buying power.
Now in its second full year of operation for most districts, these building-based partnerships have raised challenges of their own.
On May 1, the partnership raised its offer to $45 a share for 39 million outstanding shares.
This partnership raised the specter of self-dealing, and at worst, bribes to the money managers.
The partnership raised money privately and sold advertisements in the guide to make up the rest of its over $400,000 budget.
This partnership significantly raises the level of commitment by both sides.