David heard about that, went along to see it one day, and that's how the partnership with Lindsay started.
The first partnership we had started in 1989 with McDonald's.
The partnership started slowly, with a one no-trump response to a fourth-seat one-spade opening.
The partnership started well, but it ended badly.
You should take financial and legal advice as soon as your partnership starts getting into trouble.
In 2005, a partnership between the school and St. John's University started.
The year when the partnership started is shown in the brakets.
Since the partnership started, the Ares videos have reached students across the world with information provided by no other educational site.
That partnership, which is on a voluntary basis, will start producing concrete results.
The limited partnership will start with capital of $45 million, and it intends to raise an additional $55 million by fall 2001.