Some say that this comment was probably made for his party alliances with parties like Republican Left of Catalonia.
It was a 9 party alliance against government of Bhutto and his colleagues.
During the regime of Ershad he formed a 15 party alliance that took part in the movement against him.
Apparently, however, he did not see it, notwithstanding the sound instinct that made him suspect parties, and always kept him free from party alliances.
In 1990 three party alliances discussed creating a better environment for elections.
He was a Democratic district leader in years of fast-changing party alliances and hostilities.
After the first round on March 25 interest centred on how party alliances would be drawn up.
Voter registration figures reflect the changing party alliances.
A caretaker government was first introduced in 1990 when three party alliances jointly made a demand for it.
Therefore, one deputy of the three party alliance supporting Ilves did not vote in favour of his candidacy.