The major unions supported the third party candidacy of Robert La Follette in 1924.
Unfortunately, as Nader points out the political system is so rigged in the United States that third party candidacies are almost impossible to mount properly.
In 2007, Han ran for the party presidential candidacy but was disqualifed.
Running on a pro-life platform, Craswell's third party candidacy ate into the traditional Republican base.
In 1988 he lost the PRI internal bid for the party presidential candidacy against Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
In 2007, Won ran for the party presidential candidacy; he gained only 1% of votes.
There should be a write-in campaign for Paul, or a third party candidacy.
The Times also cited the third party candidacy of Davis as a factor which is "siphoning support" from Corwin.
This was the most successful result for a third party presidential candidacy since 2000.
Nationally, ballot access laws are the major challenge to third party candidacies.