Soon after the bilateral talks commence, parties will convene as well to organize multilateral negotiations.
But they said the party would almost certainly convene a party conference before that to air grievances and rally the 2.3 million members.
Rosa Maria eventually changes her mind and joins the small party convened at the captain's table.
Only then, they said, could the parties convene a national conference on the country's political future.
Communist parties convene a congress to elect a Central Committee, which in turn sets up a Politburo.
If he had made significant progress, the parties would have convened in Chicago today for further negotiations.
The governor's party convenes at half after five in the momin the knight replied and the general snapped, 'Agreed,' whereupon messenger left.
Depending on the lifespan of the WG, involved parties (at the very least) convene annually.
For instance, history books suggest that had our imaginary party convened back in 1820, only one of the 10 guests would have been able to read.
On Wednesday, the badly split party will convene an extraordinary congress of 1,618 delegates to shape its future course.