We need to know just where the political parties and their members seeking public service to defend this country stand.
In this summary, "seats" represent the number of wards each party are defending.
Even his own party can't defend his record.
In the 2009 Cologne local election, the party won 5.4% of the votes and could defend its five council seats.
The results saw the Conservatives keep control of the council, after the party defended all the seats they had been holding.
"15 And then one day, an entire political party defended a lying felon on the grounds that "everybody does it.
His party is also defending a tenuous 10-to-9 majority in the County Legislature.
The party defended this stance by arguing that increased spending was necessary to help the economy out of recession.
The party has even gone to court and successfully defended its right to support dead candidates, something of a tradition in Pennsylvania.
As the party of permanent opposition, perhaps, defending those who need to be defended as best it can.