In point of fact, the "big tent" philosophy, which both major political parties embrace, is self-serving and contradictory.
In the 21st century, both parties have embraced similar economic policies leading both to be associated with big government.
But, more subtly, the gadgetry sends the message that the party embraces technology and, by implication, the future.
But beyond the superficial political statement that they are in favor of it, the parties embrace different systems.
All political parties could embrace these simple beliefs.
Nearly all the parties are now embracing the Chinese and telling them, 'You are one of us.
Early- childhood intervention programs were not a conservative idea, but they work, and any decent party will embrace them.
Both parties have embraced the notion of drafting a Quebec constitution, but they are at odds over procedure.
The party embraced Kemalism, and was cautious about the early movement towards self-government.
All parties embrace, and "so ends the tableau and this history."