The parties were ordered to electronically submit briefs to make their case.
Here, evidently, one party has been ordered to perform, and is appealing against this award to an unsympathetic emperor.
All three parties were ordered to spread misleading information about their movements to any nomads or villagers they met.
"The parties are ordered to show cause, on or before July 7, 2005, why this case should not be dismissed," the judge wrote.
The parties are ordered by the number of votes obtained at the previous elections.
The court record of the session was sealed under Justice Bell's order and all parties were ordered not to discuss the proceedings.
The terms were confidential, and all parties were ordered not to speak about the issue.
The three parties were found guilty and ordered to pay the full amount.
The parties are ordered by the appearance on the ballot.
The party will be ordered to depart and forget.