But they said the party would almost certainly convene a party conference before that to air grievances and rally the 2.3 million members.
His party was rallying around him, but many Democrats were wondering about the cost.
But he added that the party would "rally around in a big way" should a prominent Alaska Republican step forward to start a write-in campaign.
A few weeks ago, it was fashionable to ignore the swing voter, as the parties rallied their bases.
This time, the party rallied around Mrs. Gonsalves as its choice.
The other party wished to maintain society on the basis of its ancient institutions, and rallied round the .
The whole Republican party would rally to his defense.
Mr. Carlsson and his party have been rallying points in the post-assassination search for national unity.
There have been several instances, however, during national disasters or wars, that the two parties have briefly "rallied around the President."
The outcome is never final; the defeated party can rally, regroup and try again.