In his television ads former Gov. Pete du Pont of Delaware has gone on the offensive against almost all his party rivals.
He is under attack from party rivals to his right led by Ariel Sharon, who argue that he is caving in to liberal pressures from abroad.
Burr blamed his loss on a personal smear campaign believed to have been orchestrated by his own party rivals, including New York governor George Clinton.
About 80 members of Congress had no major party rival last year, including 18 of the 23 House seats in Florida.
Mr. Shamir's ability to govern, already by his own admission seriously hampered by his party rivals, is now even more heavily impaired.
Yesterday Mr. Major sought to reinforce his leadership by promoting two potentially dangerous party rivals to higher cabinet rank.
His victory over his party rival, P. W. Botha, last month was hailed as a sign of hope and change.
Far from accepting defeat gracefully, Mr. Argana gave repeated news conferences this week describing his party rival as "the fraud candidate."
Alone among her party rivals, she favors the death penalty.
The dispute was compromised early this year, when the party rivals accepted an interpretation that what had begun as a popular rising deteriorated into counterrevolution.