An enjoyable welcome party might serve as an effective social lubricant for all the various relationships among us.
But now all those parties served a civilizing purpose.
All candidates run on a non-partisan basis as political parties are banned in the country, and serve five-year terms.
Until 2003, each party had served two terms in office alternately.
Despite its small size, the party has served in a number of coalition governments.
For most politicians, the nation's parties have served as mechanisms to get into power in order to enjoy economic spoils.
In the last several years, these parties have served over 11,000 children and their families.
In fact it served to underscore a situation in which the party was serving as political opposition to its own Government.
This move gave the country three truly national political parties and further served to blur north-south differences.
Between 1908 and 1918 the party served as the more conservative of the two main Protestant parties.