Its beats and party vibe were well-received, but its lyrics were criticized for lacking substance in the same vein as prior releases.
DESPITE the long line, the chill air and the morning hour, the party vibe was in full swing.
The party vibe is infectious and I'd readily return with friends, but it is a Herculean task to tackle the resort as a single girl.
We always tried to get a sort of party vibe when we recorded the vocals.
It's more of a party vibe.
The album's stylistic change was brought about by Girl Talk's experiences performing live, which influenced him to "make the music more accessible and push the party vibe."
Geoff Summers of Noisecreep noted that the album had a "strong party vibe."
The article championed the festival's "unpretentious party vibe" and charitable nature.
The group's zest and the crowd's love won out, however, creating a first-class party vibe.
The goal is to "enhance the party vibe," says John Tab, a spokesman for Buzz, Washington's largest weekly dance party at which the group performs.