There, the parties formally nominate the candidates chosen by party voters in the state primaries and caucuses.
The Republican National Committee is meaningless, the party voters are split, but the 1% have and have-mores have not changed their goals one bit.
The father and mother are party voters.
A caucus a meeting of registered party voters and activists that takes place at an appointed time of day or evening.
The independents in both parties now outnumber predictable party voters.
The number per district was 5 percent of registered party voters or 1,250 signatures, whichever number was smaller.
The party middle-elite consists of loyal party voters, party members, and regional or local office holders.
Gallup has asked ever since 1964 which party voters think could handle Britain's economic difficulties best.
In general this statement is a general document cementing the principle of the Republican Party while leaving some issues up to individual party voters.
"You've got access to the phone banks, canvassers and to the committed party voters," Mr. Andrews said.