They said the party would waive a rule that requires the chairmanship to be a full-time job.
If an objection is not raised and proceedings are allowed to continue without disapproval, it will be held that the party has waived its right to do so.
In an uncontested divorce both parties must file such a statement or waive the obligation of the other party to do so.
Each party agrees to abide by the judge's decision and waives the right to file the claim in another court.
When asked if a conflict of interest existed, the BFA indicated that both parties "had waived any conflicts of interest."
Either party may waive their opportunity to present a closing argument.
A party may waive a lack of personal jurisdiction, but may also appear in court to contest personal jurisdiction without thereby waiving the issue.
All communications with ACAS are subject to privilege and are confidential unless the party waives that right.
The parties must also review materials prepared by the Secretary of State, execute an agreement dividing assets and liability, and waive claims to domestic partner support.
It states that the payment you just made has satisfied their requirements and each party waives the right to file a lien on your home.