When, however, Elphaba arrives at the party wearing the hat, she is only ridiculed.
In one of them, Kevin arrives at a party wearing a toga, much to the bafflement of the other four.
Unfortunately, I doubted the vampires would let me into the party wearing a blessed crucifix.
She was cast by the director who had spotted her in a party wearing the same dress.
She felt a little foolish in her light kimono, like the one person at the party wearing fancy dress.
I was, like, 18 and going to all these parties wearing beautiful dresses, Bulgari necklaces.
The reaction by the two houses has been similar to the squirming of two women who show up at a party wearing the same dress.
An old party wearing a fishing cap, sunglasses, a cigar and a contemplative expression was sitting in the backwash of the sea.
Dara arrives at the party wearing a punky, rebellious outfit.
Nevertheless, she was recently spotted at a party wearing a button for Gov. Bill Clinton.