During the second day, they passed amid steepening hills and deep ravines that retarded their progress.
An eternity passed amid the rising scents of a damp woodland and then only branches separated her from them.
All the little world was so absorbed in its own interests, that the strangers passed unobserved amid the laborious inhabitants.
So they left the dog by the door and passed within, amid the incessant pounding of the sea on the walls.
Time passed slowly amid the drizzle; yet The Shadow scarcely moved from his position.
The bill was debated and negotiated for nearly six months in Congress, and finally passed amid unusual circumstances.
In fact, the Senate failed to pass any immigration legislation amid partisan bickering over parliamentary procedures.
So far, no one has been executed under the law, which passed amid concern over increased violence in drug trafficking.
In one sequence, two kids worked the ball half the field by passing back and forth amid several defenders.
He passed his boyhood amid the most wholesome family life.