There are about 110,000 people passing through prisons annually but only 125 full-time and 137 part-time doctors to care for them.
These women reformers organized in 1909 to stem the tide of 10,000 young offenders who passed annually through the city's court system.
By 1997, more than 27,000 teenagers were passing through 54 camps in 34 states annually.
Large quantities of gold from Mexico also passed through its port annually.
Dodge City became a boomtown, with thousands of cattle passing annually through its stockyards.
The department maintains a large force size for a small town primarily due to the large volume of tourists that pass through the area annually.
Garden City is the busiest with 13 million people annually passing through the centre.
About 6,000 vessels pass through the Port of New Orleans annually.
Currently an estimated 1,600 vessels carrying fuels and other hazardous materials pass through the strait annually.
One million guests pass through the doors of the facility annually.