Just 7 per cent of those from the highest social group pass away before reaching the current pensions age.
He tried again, and it was as if it passed through a cushion before reaching the hard surface.
The road than passes another small roundabout before reaching the A1.
The passenger must pass through a security gate before reaching the check-in desk.
I passed through three checkpoints before reaching the executive/residential wing where my apartments were.
They rode for an hour, passing through one patrol before reaching the loch.
Topping up is by a hose, placed so as to pass water through the filter before reaching the pond.
He looked for pay phones then, but didn't pass any before reaching the bookstore.
Heading toward the center of the building, I passed the courtyard, then a restricted parking area and a guard before reaching the single glass door.
It passes through Corbeyrier and a 300-metre tunnel before reaching the summit.