To achieve this, 65 mm film stock passes horizontally through the camera, 15 perforations at a time resulting in a speed of 102.7 metres per minute.
The transverse cervical nerves will pass horizontally directly over the SCM from Erb's point.
These piercings pass horizontally through the shaft.
A brass skewer passes horizontally through the tied hair.
Two steel bolts pass horizontally through the body and into the neck, and a third bolt passes vertically into the fingerboard extension.
Balls are thrown high from one hand to the other while the other hand passes the ball back horizontally.
The system allows film to pass horizontally through projectors, allowing for much larger film size.
The wires then passed horizontally through an aluminum frame around the patient before running up to a complicated trolley device on the ceiling.
The transverse sinuses pass horizontally from the most posterior point of the occiput.
The main pipe from the water tank supplying the water to the building passes horizontally under the ceiling of my apartment and is covered by a hung ceiling.