He passed two more such knots of young people in the next ten minutes, neither of which deemed him worthy of any action beyond laughter.
But Culpepper threw two touchdown passes in the final three minutes to bring Minnesota back.
At first glance it looked like any one of twenty others she'd passed in the last forty-five minutes.
But Baur brought the Leopards back with two touchdown passes in the last three minutes.
Georgia Tech is better than it showed against Central Florida, when it needed two touchdown passes in the last four minutes to win.
"Being passed in the final minutes of a two-and-half-hour race could certainly be devastating," he said.
Witnesses reported several large trucks or school buses had passed in the minutes before the wall collapsed, he said.
That defense became porous Sunday when the Redskins completed three touchdown passes in the last 17 minutes.
United's Anderson alone passed the ball to an opponent's feet four times in the first 10 minutes.
Eagles quarterback Quinton Porter threw two touchdown passes in the first 5 minutes 11 seconds.