He watched the man pass onward toward the porch.
The dolphins could scarcely say more; yonder wasn't their range, and what they got was mere gossip such as they loved to pass onward.
Given his rate of drift, within ten or fifteen minutes the home-base would pass onward beneath him.
He glided from the bedchamber to the dining room, passed onward to a small and compact kitchen.
They passed swiftly onward from room to room with hardly a glance to either side.
The pain was passing onward into something which Sanaya's reeling mind could find-no words to describe.
We passed onward to where the ice roughly enswathes another folk, not turned downward, but all upon their backs.
We will pass onward, by your honour's leave!
He crossed an empty office, passed onward through others.
It spoke not aught, but let us onward pass, Eyeing us as a lion on his watch.