They passed several ships, then walked past the Space Eagle, which now had another ship sitting next to it.
As we passed old, tired ships, I noticed many fine metal lines leading from them into the water.
They passed numerous small craft, tugboats with and without barges, and big ships moored in the Hudson.
Meanwhile, Tom glided his small jet plane through the skies, passing several ships in his circular route.
Several times we passed ships at sea, but they were either too far off to be seen clearly or they made haste to seek distance.
Garibaldi first attacked Sicily, luckily under the guise of passing British ships and landing with little resistance.
The Russian ship groups blocking the Swedish fleets were disrupted by passing Swedish ships.
They passed ruined ships, chariots, and wagons be- yond numbering.
As the convoy heads north at about 14 miles an hour, it will pass American ships on patrol.
Other vistas to behold include rowing boats, passing ships, children at play, swimmers, fishermen/shell/seaweed gatherers and of course its majestic sunset!