Although 20 years have passed since Morrison's death, the film regards him at very close range.
The minutes added up until nearly an hour had passed since the spearman's death.
This is the fourth instrumental, and as its title indicates, seven years have passed since the Woman's death.
More than 60 years have passed since Gershwin's death in 1937 from a brain tumor.
She seemed to look somewhat younger than he remembered her, but eight decades had passed since her death.
A year and a day had passed since his wife's death.
Only a few weeks had passed since Ailey's death.
Four hundred years have passed since his death, and much remains to be discovered about the Italian master.
Six weeks had passed since his senseless death, and still it angered her greatly.
Still in a form and a mind of a child, she returns to earth, not knowing fifteen years have passed since her death.