Secured by Design member company status is awarded to companies producing security products that pass standards and tests nominated by the police service.
In the past, the officials said, drugs that had not passed American standards for safety and effectiveness were generally banned from the mails by policy and practice.
"The tomatoes still have to undergo proper taste-testing and pass regulatory standards," Dr. Blumwald said.
However with newer advances in technology 2-strokes have begun to burn cleaner and pass stricter green standards.
That was when states began to pass standards requiring electricity suppliers to meet targets for the use of renewable energy.
The label would showcase unsigned and talented Filipino artists with a unique sound and style that could (hopefully) pass international standards.
The case actually involves alleged discrimination against both men and blacks in childcare, even when they pass the same strict background tests and other standards of employment.
Their students do not pass existing certification requirements in adequate numbers and will certainly not pass raised standards.
Modern tests of the quality of the concrete show that it would pass current standards.
A man age 17 to 21 must perform 42 push-ups within two minutes and complete a two-mile run in 15:54 to pass minimum standards.