There are no dead here, he said, just family and friends who have passed to the other side.
The window lets people look inside, but they can't pass to the other side.
I passed to the other side of life with the thought that there was nothing after death.
Something black passed quickly by him to the side of the boat, and he heard a splash in the water.
He passed half way around the city to the north side, which was less well guarded than the south.
But maybe they could pass a bit to the side, opposite that third, while the first and second were still out.
Its black shape passed a few feet to the side, visible only as a moving shadow.
For a few minutes she sat looking, listening; then passed round to the side and leaned over.
He passed the edge of the curtain to the other side.
The cartoon car was right on top of the black line, passing to the other side.