Passing along the passage, towards the gardens, were on the right the library and on the left the withdrawing room.
It is a boundary mountainous district with a lot of rugged mountain passes towards Pakistan.
"In the name of Christ, peace," they answered, and passed on towards the arches where the other captives were gathered.
A deer track passed east towards the sea.
Normally if they get over 2/3 they pass the test; and are "working towards" the next level.
The route then enters the town of Rutland, passing northward towards that town's center.
As they passed through it towards the stairs the receptionist kept her head down.
He produced from an inner pocket the apprenticeship form and passed it towards me across the desk.
Aragorn looked back as they passed towards the gate.
Hadden laughed, and passed on towards the stream where he proposed to bathe.