An aerofoil passing through air increases air pressure on the underside, while decreasing pressure across the top.
Time passed while the boy's pulse and breathing gradually re-turned to normal.
It passed near Bermuda early on November 12 while a strong Category 1 hurricane.
Forty-eight hours passed by while Maddson and his assistant worked.
András passed away on September 14, 2012, at the age of 72 while vacationing with Ágnes in Florida.
They gave the note to the Caddo, who passed it on to the Jumano Indians while trading.
Well, maybe not completely on the other foot, because we want to find out what it takes to be able to pass while towing.
Split into three separate selves, Trey is forced to temporarily pass on his powers to a worthy warrior while healing.
When nothing happened they started passing round bottles and fruit to while away the time.
Pathological liars and trained spies "pass" while worried innocents "fail."