Recently, a law in Oregon was passed banning the wearing of turbans by teachers and government officials.
She managed and performed there for a few years until a new law was passed in California banning any form of entertainment on the Sabbath.
The action also comes in the face of a 1984 law passed by the Florida Legislature banning all limited-service banks.
In 1595 a law was passed banning the selling and buying of Chinese slaves.
A 1571 law was passed by Portugal banning people from having Chinese slaves.
The move came after a bill was passed banning peddlers from the avenue.
In 1976 the Filipinization Act was passed banning foreign nationals to run schools and business.
Eventually, the public opinion is turned in favor of robots, and laws are passed banning robot-harming orders.
During his college years, Connerly campaigned against housing discrimination and helped to get a bill passed by the state legislature banning the practice.
Shortly afterward, a law was passed banning the use of the monument for performances, and the group took to the international festival circuit.