The program allows passengers to dine in any of several restaurants whenever they wish.
The main reason is the catering: aboard De Noord passengers get a Continental breakfast and excellent buffet lunch, but dine ashore.
Because of the 10 o' clock concert every evening, all the passengers dine at the same time.
The dining room was on the promenade deck between the two funnels and had a retractable roof to let passengers dine under the tropical sky.
Never ones to ignore an audience, they had generously offered to act out a scene from their new play after the passengers had dined.
Bakers and scrubbers worked industriously so that the passengers should dine and sup in serenity and plenty on the morrow.
Later on, the three passengers dine at Billie's sister with her friends.
Its location being close to downtown and across from Santa Rosa Plaza allows passengers to work, shop, dine, and relax within the Transit Mall's vicinity.
Ship by ship, the line is introducing "as you wish" dining alongside the fixed system, so that passengers can dine when and with whom they want if they prefer.
Some restaurants offer "anytime dining" where passengers can dine with whom they want, when they want.