Two other passengers on the list failed to show up for the flight.
Ticket agents forget to ask if passengers are carrying packages from strangers, or fail to react properly if the answer is yes.
The night Mr. Weideman was with him, a passenger, trying to spit out the window, failed.
Two other passengers had failed to answer roll call.
The remaining passengers failed to settle on the next stop, although there was general agreement that it should be a strip club.
During the first day and night of our journey the passengers failed to emerge from their cabin.
One passenger after another stole a furtive glance at the inquirer; but failed to make him out, and so gave him up.
Most of the injuries occurred when the seat belt light was on but passengers had failed to buckle up.
When the passenger failed to comply with his orders, he was executed in cold blood in the embarkation area.
It closed, like many passenger stations, in 1916 due to the First World War, but was consequently never re-opened when the passengers failed to materialise.