Mr. Henry disagreed passionately with the "invisible" criticism, saying he has been an active, engaged Councilman.
But politics was the one area where they disagreed passionately.
Hawks and doves disagree passionately over whether the West should intervene militarily to stop the slaughter in the Balkans.
Sources passionately disagree on the suitability of mineral oil as a carrier oil.
He passionately disagrees with George Takizawa's style of boxing.
With all due respect, I passionately disagree with you!
But the justices disagree passionately over whether setting fire to the flag in a nonviolent political demonstration is constitutionally permissible.
A Western diplomat passionately disagreed.
"I promise to listen to you even when we passionately disagree," Mr. Andrew said.
He utterly disagreed with their views but passionately believed in their right to express them.