At the beginning of each session, Gladstone would passionately urge the Cabinet to adopt new policies, while Palmerston would fixedly stare at a paper before him.
The warmth of your eyes - the smile - the things you remember - " "Believe the other half," Valentine urged passionately.
Other speakers, however, passionately urged the council not to back down on the plan.
Mr. Levy, who passionately urges Jews to buy guns and learn how to use them, says his mission is to defend Jews whenever they are victims.
In testimony Wednesday, relatives of two men who died in highly publicized murder cases passionately urged state legislators to approve the law, saying that false and defamatory accounts of the murders had caused them "permanent anguish."
He described feelingly the flight of the inhabitants and passionately urged the shame of yielding the soil of Prussia to the horrid footprint of the Slav.
A month ago, she gave a speech to 2,500 Southern Baptists passionately urging acceptance of those with different experiences.
Since age 40, she has had routine screening mammograms every year, and she passionately urges women in their 40's to do the same.
But something can be done, they believe, and these studies passionately and credibly urge attention to a threatening future that many of us seem to have despaired of in advance.
He could have made the stimulus three times as big (as some passionately urged him to do), but he didn't.